Nowadays, cows will spend more of their time inside a barn. The design of the Green Freestall provides maximum comfort and safety to the cows encouraging increased resting periods that result in higher milk production per cow and increased life expectancy.
The approved composite flex piping on the sides of the Green Freestall allows cows increased flexibility to easily rise and settle preventing painful cow injuries that are associated with the use of the historic steel tubing stalls.
Higher Milk Production along with the lower operating costs from managing healthier, well rested cows are key benefits to using the Green Freestall.
The design of the Green Freestall makes the initial installation very easy and also any adjustment that the farmer would like to make down the road to ensure the maximum comfort and resting time for their cows.
Benefits of the Green Freestall:
- Versatile, so the cow will no longer get injured.
- Fits to the size of the cows, so that the cow lies perfectly in the cubicles.
- More spacious, gets the cow to lie down quicker and stays there for a longer period.
- Increased cow welfare, can result in more milk production and more value for money.